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Time is Money: Why Every Business Needs a Time Management Plan

Manage your time, manage your business

The one thing all business owners have to give to their business is their time. For entrepreneurs especially, putting time and dedication into running a business is necessary. But not all time is equal. What is just as important as giving time is managing your time to make it as productive as possible. Having a time management plan is as important as ever, allowing you to keep track of your business while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Start off by understanding your short, mid, and long-term goals and the key tasks needed to accomplish them and allocate your time and resources so that you can work towards each goal efficiently. Optimizing your time will allow you to finish more tasks in less time, save money, and work less! Need help crafting the perfect time management plan? We’re here to help! Join us on January 24th or 25th for a free virtual workshop on time management and learn how to optimize your time and business!

Time management tips from industry experts

  • Prioritize. Figure out which tasks are most important and plan your strategy around them. Find an approach that works for you and stick with it. 1

  • Delegate. If you have a staff, use them. Trust in the people around you and let them help you alleviate your workload. 2

  • Work smarter, not harder. Doing everything quickly is great, but speed isn’t the most important part. Having strategies and plans in place ensure you’re always on top of your work. 3

  • Report, report, report. Utilize daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly reports to break down your processes and make adjustments when needed. 4

Learning objectives

We’re here to help you with every little detail. Our free webinar is designed to introduce small business owners to the key aspects of time management and show them how different strategies can help. Learn commonly used practices like the Pareto analysis, the ABC method, the Eisenhower method, and the POSEC method. Imagine how each could help your business and figure out which one would work best for you. Learn how to properly set attainable goals and how to prioritize tasks in order to achieve those goals. With an official FDIC/SBA course, time management can be a breeze, so stop by and save your time and money! Click the link below to sign up for our free webinar in English on January 24th or Chinese on January 25th!


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